
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Crepes for breakfast

Since we tend to go to the late service on Sundays we like to have a good, home-cooked breakfast.  I decided to go French this week and made crepes.  The recipe came from here: 

You start by mixing the wet ingredients, then combine them with the flour.  I used a ladle and put a spoonful in the middle of a skillet over medium heat.  Then it's time to swirl it around in the pan:  pick it up and tilt it around until you've made a full circle.  You should have a nice, thin, even coat.  Wait until it stops looking watery on top (like it won't move if you tilt the pan a little) and then use a spatula to help you flip it over.  

I like to use fresh whipped cream and diced fruit to top them.  Here were our options this morning:

Blueberries, nectarines, whipped cream, and other toppings...yum!  I went with the "peaches and cream" combo (or nectarines, actually!) with a chocolate drizzle:

Don't forget the frosty mugs of chocolate milk!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Naan pizza

Long weekends are the best!  I made a new batch of granola (pumpkin, this time!) and used what we had on hand to make dinner.  Tonight that meant Naan pizzas!  Naan is an Indian flatbread that makes a great base for pizzas.  

Adam's pizza included:

Black olives
Two cheeses (mozzarella and Parmesan)

My pizza included:

Three cheeses (mozzarella, Parmesan, and Feta)

Pop those into the oven at 375 degrees for about 10 minutes and enjoy!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Trifle-ish Dish

I recently had some leftover vanilla cake batter that I baked into two six-inch cakes.  Instead of making a little two layer cake I combined a cake and a trifle into this "trifle-ish dish."  You'll need cake, pudding (make this ahead!), and canned fruit filling.
Start with a layer of cake:
Add a layer of pudding:
Then add a layer of fruity goodness:
That's where things start to get messy!  Just call it "rustic" and you can get away with a little messiness. :)  Repeat your layers until it looks something like this:

It's quick, easy, and a great use for leftover cake.  Enjoy!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New year, new goals

Happy 2013!

A new year always gets me thinking about new goals.  Outside of the kitchen I'm doing a picture-a-day challenge on Instagram (#365project) and I'm two for two so far, woohoo!  On the eve of my little bake shop's first anniversary I looked back on my first year goals.  I have almost reached my goal for number of orders in my first year--so exciting!  In this second year, I want to focus on expansion, specifically when it comes to flavors.  I'm pleased to announce my monthly flavor challenge:  a new flavor introduced each month this year.  The catch is that each flavor will only be around for the rest of that calendar month.  At the end of the year I'll take a vote for the most popular flavor and the winner will earn a spot on the permanent menu.  Flavor suggestions are always welcome!

Here's to an extra-flavorful new year!
