
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Just Desserts

I've been so busy in the kitchen that I've neglected posting my projects.  Here's a peek at what I've been up to, starting with Thanksgiving:

Maw-Maw's Cherry-O-Cream Pie

Granny Rae's Cranberry Sauce

(it's kinda messy)

Pumpkin Fudge
(After three years, I finally got it to work--cooking it longer was the key!)

After Thanksgiving, it was time for the Christmas baking to begin! 
Here's a treat for my people at work:

Some cute little mint brownie guys I took to a party, complete with a mini peppermint pattie button in the center of each one:


Christmas Eve and Christmas day brought plenty of time in the kitchen, too.  At the request of my dad, I tackled the Yule Log that I used to make when people came to visit us in Louisiana.  I had always made it with ice cream, but this time I used my homemade almond icing and made a chocolate ganache for the top (which I could eat by itself):

While it's not a dessert, I made my first ham this year.  It was studded with cloves and had a pineapple/brown sugar/honey glaze.  The great thing about ham is that it's already cooked, so the risk of undercooking is pretty much nonexistent.  Adam helped me by handling the cutting (I trust him more than myself with the sharp tools):

I'll focus on the crafts in my next post.  In the meantime, have a wonderful Christmas!
