To be fair, I Googled "Mario Mushroom Cupcake" to get an idea of how to proceed and got some good visual aids. I wanted to make both the red and green mushrooms (since the 1-Up mushroom is the greatest of them all) and could have *sworn* I'd seen green and red tubs of frosting in the stores in the Christmas baking displays. I have the hardest time coloring icing to be really dark, bold colors and wanted to cheat with something that was already colored for me, especially with my time crunch. Instead I found cherry-flavored icing (pink) and Christmas sprinkle icing (light green) so I made those darker instead of starting from scratch. I used a boxed mix that appeared to be really nice but instead turned out really flat. The cupcakes were probably the lightest and fluffiest I've made but I really needed something that would puff up! Eh, at least they tasted good and looked cute.
Their eyes are made from chocolate squares that I melted down and piped on. The white circles on top are Wilton's candy melts (in their unmelted form), which just so happened to be part of a recent Christmas gift from Garrett and Amanda (thanks guys!). After packing up the cupcakes (and maybe sampling a little along the way) I saved one to put in another of my Christmas gifts: a single-serving cupcake display from one of my coworkers, Amanda. So pretty and whimsical all in one!
We're still waiting to see if anything happens if you eat the cupcakes. If I see anyone gain an extra life or suddenly double in size I'll let you know.
It's not just cute; it also looks delicious! I'm going to try making this for my kids. Would it work if I try to convince them that they'll grow taller and become more energetic when they eat those? I'd say they'd just be like Mario! LOL! I just hope I'd be able to make the cupcakes as good-looking as yours.