Saturday, January 17, 2015

How to grown green onions on your windowsill

Did you know that you can regrow green onions?  It's so easy!

Cut the onions so they're all about the same size.  You'll want just a little bit of green but you're mostly saving the white bulbs and lower stalks.  I leave the rubber band around them so they'll stay together.  Put them in a cup of water so the water is about as high as the white of the onions.

regrow green onions

This is what they looked like at the end of the first day.  You can see how they're already starting to sprout! 

After three days:

regrow green onions

Four days:

regrow green onions

Eight days (keep an eye on that tall one!):

regrow green onions

Ten days:

regrow green onions

Thirteen days:

regrow green onions

Sixteen days:

regrow green onions

This is about the point where I cut them off and start over.  I've repeated this process three times but they may be able to go further.  (At that point I just got burnt out on green onions, haha!)


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