Sunday, April 26, 2015

You've pinned it, now make it! (food edition)

I am officially throwing down a challenge.

You and I pin stuff all the time.  We probably spend more time pinning than making, if we're honest.  Oh, sure, we go through and reorganize our boards so we won't "forget" we've pinned things but do we ever actually make half the stuff we pin?  (Be honest!)  That's about to change, at least for one lucky recipe, because it's time to make these meals happen.

What's the recipe that you find yourself accidentally pinning two or three times because the picture looks so darn tasty?  Is it a snack?  Dessert?  A casserole?  What have you been meaning to make?

I tried this recently with Chicken Potato Casserole.  You can find the original link here but I snapped some pictures along the way to show you how easy it was.  (I was out of bacon...the horror!)



I have to admit it was easy, but it would have tasted better with the bacon...and maybe some of that ranch seasoning I made recently.

Make sure you leave a comment when you make your meal so we can hear about the recipe you chose!


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